The ELD framework for the most part is a requirement for advancement but the main purpose is to prepare those Sailors who advance to be ready and capable of leadership roles. This is done using tools such as foundation courses, SAILOR 360, OJT, self- study, and feedback from coaches, mentors and advocates.
While you are in the Navy, you should get the most out of your career to help you advance faster, get better positions in your assignments, get more pay, and eventually, be in a better position when it is time to retire. The career section of align more closely with categories that impact your advancement the most. Those core categories are evals, awards, uniform and grooming, PRT, education and military records. However, you can access many other career topics in the "Career Related" column located on this page.
Perhaps the most important thing you want to do is ensure that your records are correct and up-to-date. Outdated records could delay you from getting assignments, pay and other benefits. You want to start this early. If you are a supervisor, get your members started early as well. Don't do it for them, just teach them how to get started. That part of the "Sailorization" will serve you well.
You always want to make sure that you pass the PRT without issue. There is a big emphasis in physical readiness as you might see in MyNavyHR when the test starts rolling around. That is also something that can set you back a great deal, especially with your evaluations. If you know you are out of shape, start a training program. Don't wait until you fail the PRT.
If at all possible, take college or vocational classes. Continuing your education on your terms will benefit you tremendously. Also, don't forget to have all your Navy courses documented. It doesn't matter if you were not interested in the Navy class or not. Education counselors may find that it counts towards credit in any future career path you might choose.
With your records up-to-date and your PRT cover, you should spend a little time each quarter working on your evals. Having a diary of what you did over time will ensure that when it's time to do your write up, it will shine.
For those career minded Sailors, there are other programs such as marksmanship, warfare specialist, and special programs that may help with your upward mobility. One more note is to please become familiar with the different Navy enlisted career websites. It will help you, or your Sailors, navigate the complex world of Navy Enlisted Career!
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