This page focuses on work experience, Navy training and college (mainly through tuition assistance.) Several goals can be to get college credit, occupational trade certification, or employment. Your work experience, as well as some Navy schools, could be eligible for college credits. You want to take advantage of that if you are going for a degree and to help make your evals shine as you make rank. If a school is offered to you, take it. It could help with your work experience or even college. It is very important that you make sure all schools are entered into your records.
One thing Sailors neglect is to keep track of the training they receive in the Navy. All training you receive is supposed to be kept in your records. That is beneficial to you because it can help you with employment and college credits in the future. Unfortunately, sometimes that information is entered in your records incorrectly or is not entered at all. It is up to the Sailors to keep track of and update completed training or college courses. Supervisors should also remind their troops to check their records as well. That is part of the "Sailorization" that will benefit you.
In addition to Navy schools, enlisted personnel have an opportunity to start or continue their college education using tuition assistance and Montgomery G.I. Bill if eligible. This is a great way of reducing the cost of going to college which some members join in the first place to save up so that they can go to college. Planning ahead is the key because the Sailor must schedule their class time around their work schedule - it can be done though and enlisted personnel are encouraged to do so.
For those pursuing an education related to their rate, they may want to visit the Learning and Development Roadmap (LaDR) link. This will give you a better idea of what credits you have earned, what college credits you can get in the future and what types of degrees or certificates there are in your field.
Map your career with college credits or certification in an occupational trade using your work experience.
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