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Military Service Records for Navy Enlisted Personnel


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Military Records for Active Duty, Reserves and Vets

This page will bring military record resources for vets, reservist and active duty. The goal is the same, to request, correct, or submit changes to ones records. Only the reason will vary as well as where to get these changes, mainly for veterans.

Update Your Navy Records

Your military service records start when you first join the Navy and follow you after you have served in the Military. Your records include career, advancement, pay, education, medical and other areas pertaining to your service in the Armed Forces. Unfortunately, these records are located in different departments which make tracking and correcting your records difficult at times.

One should start verifying their records as soon as they can. For most, your supervisor should be your point of contact on how to check your records. Don't be afraid to ask - everyone who cares about their career has had to learn how to check their records for accuracy, and the sooner you start the better.

Supervisors should start dropping the hint to their troops as well. Since inaccurate records can impact pay, advancement, qualifications and other areas, being pro-active will alleviate delays that Sailors have encountered. This is also part of "Sailorization" which will benefit you as well.

Access, Review, Correct and Submit Changes

Below are resources for active duty, reserves and veterans to help them access, review, correct and submit changes. Of particular interest is information that may be beneficial for those seeking to correct or verify their records for advancement, Chiefs board, entry into the various enlisted to officer or special programs that are available. If I missed something or there is an error, please let me know.


Access, Review


Correct and Submit

Types of Records

Applications and Systems That Comprise Your Personnel Records:
  • Official Military Personnel File (OMPF)
  • Electronic Service Record (ESR) and ESR Afloat
  • Electronic Training Jacket (ETJ) and ETJ Afloat
  • Joint Service Transcript (JST)
  • Physical Readiness Information Management System (PRIMS)
  • Personnel Summary Record (PSR)
Systems that are used by specific warfare communities such as:
  • Relational Administrative Data Management (RADM)
  • Advanced Skills Management (ASM)
Systems that pertain to or document your ability to deploy such as:
  • Individual Medical Readiness Review (IMR)
  • Personnel Tempo (PERSTEMPO)
* Personnel may not have access to some systems


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