The information on this page is meant to help enlisted Sailors who are transitioning from the Navy get the most out of their benefits and to make the transition as smooth as possible. Regardless of why you are transitioning, you should check to see what benefits you are entitled to, and just as important you should make sure your records are correct and up-to-date.
You should make sure your medical records are updated to include any work related injuries or known exposures. You also want to make sure any military schools are properly documented in your records. For some your education and experience can be substantial but for all, regardless of how long you were in, there are documented skill-sets that you attained while in the performance of your duties. This is in additional to all your training including boot camp.
The best time to do this is when you are still in the Navy. Failure to fix your records could delay, and make it more difficult, to get any benefits that you are entitled to have. Included on this page is information on how to appeal administrative discharges (see separations) and how to submit updated information to the discharge review board. If applicable, you must submit your information as soon as possible and it is of utmost importance that the information you submit is accurate.
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