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Navy Enlisted to Officer Programs


Becoming an Officer

Enlisted-to-officer programs allow Sailors in the United States Navy to become an officer if they meet the criteria specified for a particular officers program. Besides recommendations for the specific program you should be aware of what applies to all programs.

General Guideline:

  • Your performance must be superior to your peers.
  • You should be a team player.
  • Keep your uniform & grooming above standard.
  • Be an expert in your field.
  • Continue your education as much as possible.
  • Sustained Superior Performance will give you the edge.

Competition is tough, but these programs allow top-notch Sailors to becoming officers in the United States Navy. If you are interested in one of these programs, get familiar with the instructions that govern these programs. You can then gather the required information you will need when you talk to your Career Counselor, chain of command or officer who has knowledge of these programs.

Program authority is spelled out in Title 10 U.S. Code sections 531, 532, 533 and 1251 for active duty, and Title 10 U.S. Code sections 12201 and 12209 for reserves. The first document you may want to become familiar with is the OPNAVINST 1420.1B manual which will help you through the process. It is also highly recommended that you check your records and then fix and update any errors or outdated entries. Remember that you will be competing against your peers for these programs.

Officer Training Command (OTCN) - Newport Rhode Island
Officer Candidate School (OCS)

Active Duty / Prior Service Section

* Please click on "Required and Recommended Items," and then "Active Duty/ Prior Service"

Engineering Duty Officer (EDO) In-Service Procurement Program

Provides a pathway to a commission for active-duty enlisted personnel

Enlisted to Medical Degree Preparatory Program (EMDP2)

For qualified enlisted service members, allows them to complete the preparatory coursework for application to medical school while on active duty.

Human Resources (HR) In-Service Procurement Program (HR ISPP)

Provides a pathway to a commission for active-duty enlisted personnel

JAG Corps In-Service Procurement Program

Provides a pathway to commission as a JAG Corps officer for active-duty, enlisted Sailors in paygrade E-5, E-6, or E-7.

Medical Enlisted Commissioning Program

Offering qualified enlisted Sailors from all rates to earn a nursing degree followed by an appointment as an Ensign in the Nurse Corps.

Medical Service Corps In-service Procurement Program

Opportunities are available for the following specialties: Health Care Administration (HCA), Physician Assistant (PA), Environmental Health (EHO), Radiation Health (RHO), Industrial Hygiene (IHO), Pharmacy, Occupational Therapy, and Social Work.

Nurse Candidate Program (NCP)

Offers financial assistance for students enrolled in a baccalaureate nursing program.

Seaman to Admiral-21 Program (STA-21)

Seaman to Admiral-21 Program (STA-21) - Combines the following programs to create the STA-21 Program: Seaman to Admiral | Enlisted Commissioning Program (ECP) | Aviation Enlisted Commissioning Program (AECP) | Nuclear Enlisted Commissioning Program (NECP) | Civil Engineer Corps Enlisted Commissioning Program (CECECP) | Fleet Accession to Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC) (Includes Nurse Option)

Program Authorizations
  • PA 150 - Seaman to Admiral - Core (STA-21-CORE) Option
  • PA 150A - Nuclear (STA-21-NUC) Option
  • PA 150B - Surface Warfare Officer (STA-21-SWO) Option
  • PA 150C - Civil Engineer Corps (STA-21-CEC) Option
  • PA 150D - Pilot and NFO (STA-21-Aviation) Option
  • PA 150G - Explosive Ordnance Disposal (STA-21-EOD) Option
  • PA 150H - Nurse Corps (STA-21-NC) Option
  • PA 150Q - SPECWAR (STA-21-SPECWAR) Option
  • PA 150R - Information Professional (STA-21-IP) Option
Training and Administration of the Reserve (TAR) In-Service Procurement Program (TAR ISPP)

This program will send qualifying enlisted Sailors directly to Officer Candidate School (OCS) to commission as a TAR officer.

Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences

Educates, trains, and comprehensively prepares uniformed service health professionals to support the Military Health System, the National Security and National Defense Strategies of the United States, and the readiness of our Uniformed Services.

U.S. Naval Academy (USNA) and Naval Academy Preparatory School (NAPS) Programs

Offers qualified enlisted members of the Navy, Reserves, Marine Corps, and other armed forces to embark on careers as officers in the U.S. Navy or U.S. Marine Corps.



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