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All advancement-eligible Chiefs and Senior Chiefs should check their Profile Sheets on the Navy Advancement Center's (NAC's) link on MyNavy Portal (MNP) to view and print or contact your Educational Services Officer (ESO).
After you verify your eligibility you should ensure your record is up-to-date by using the Web Enabled Record Review (WERR) on BUPERS Online (BOL). WERR allows you to view documents that have been submitted, reviewed and accepted as a part of your official military personnel file.
Much of the information included on the Navy Advancement Center's (NAC's) link on MyNavy Portal (MNP) includes Personally Identifiable Information (PII). DoD policy clearly states CAC login is required when systems contain PII. Profile sheets are developed, maintained and linked to the Navy Enlisted Advancement System, and contain PII on individual Sailors.
Once the Navy Advancement Center (NAC) receives your late Navy-wide advancement examination (NWAE) answer sheet from your command, it is immediately scanned and scored. For published results NWAE cycles, profile sheets can be accessed on the Navy Advancement Center's (NAC) link on MyNavy Portal (MNP) to view and print, or Services Officers (ESOs) can access profile sheets on NEAS Web, select NEAS Rpts - Individual Profile Sheets) (a Common Access Card (CAC) log in is required at each site).
Profile sheets are available on line for two years.A profile sheet with your results is created and posted on NEAS Web for the command's view, and on the NAC link on MNP for the individual Sailor's view.
Not a bit. Exam writers test the major subject matter of their ratings. Major subject matter (shown as sections on the profile forms) will reappear. But not the same questions! Use past profile information as just another piece of information to help you organize your study plan. But don't get trapped into thinking the profile form provides the questions or answers. It doesn't.
After a Navy-wide Advancement Examinations (NWAEs) are received at the commands, there are seven primary steps that lead to NWAE results.
Below is a basic snapshot of the process from NWAE administration to release of results:
Advancement to E7 requires selection board action. In order to qualify for selection board consideration, candidates must meet eligibility requirements in Chapter 2 of BUPERSINST 1430.16. E7 candidates are designated selection board eligible (SBE) by competing in a Navywide advancement examination (NWAE) cycle and meeting the 60% Final Multiple cut requirement for their examination rating/competitive group based on rankordering of eligible candidates (with the exception of those who are waived per BUPERSINST 1430.16G, paragraph 614.) For those who are Chief Petty Officer (CPO) board eligible, the FMS is computed using their Reporting Senior's Cumulative Average (RSCA) Performance Mark Average (PMA) and NWAE standard score only.
The Navy Advancement Center (NAC) posts the two years or more of advancement results for Active Duty and SELRES cycles on the Navy Advancement Center's (NAC) link on MyNavy Portal (MNP) under Command Advancement Tools, then Exam Statistics By Rate, UIC, and Downloadable Statistics.
For E4/5/6, the data is displayed with the following fields:
For Active Duty Selected Reserve (SELRES) cycles, OPNAV N132 provides monthly pay increment quotas. These quotas are loaded into the Navy Enlisted Advancement System (NEAS) quarterly and spread across all examination rate/competitive groups by pay grade. For E4/5/6, selectees are advanced by Final Multiple Score, not exam Standard Score (SS). For E7/8/9, selectees are advanced by Selection Board seniority ranking.
The pay increments for each exam cycle are as follows:
Typically for Active Duty cycles, the majority of Sailors will advance in the final month of the advancement cycle. Typically for SELRES cycles, advancement is spread evenly for each increment.
At the top of the Profile Sheet page is an email sign up service that will notify you when the advancement month is set by the pay increment. Once you have signed up, you don't need to check MyNavy Portal (MNP) every month to see when you advance.
*Reference BUPERSISNT 1430.16 (Series), Chapter 7.
Since E4/5/6 Navy-wide advancement exams are administered twice a year, there are six monthly increments. Since E7/8/9 selection boards are held once a year, there are 12 monthly increments.
If you were an IA Sailor who missed a E4/5/6 NWAE cycle while you were in a Congressionally Designated Combat Zones and Approved Contingency Operations Area (CDCZ/ACOA) status, the first thing you need to do is contact your Educational Services Officer (ESO). The ESO will ensure an Enlisted Advancement Worksheet (EAW) is created, validated, and certified for each cycle missed while in IA status. On the EAW, Special Circumstance should reflect - Exam Missed Due to IA (E4/5/6).
Refer to BUPERSTINST 1430.16G, paragraph 314.e., for processing missed exams due to assignment in CDCZ/ACOA. A new profile sheet will be created for the examination missed for you to view and print at the Navy Advancement Center's (NAC) link on MyNavy Portal (MNP), or Educational Services Officers (ESOs) can access profile sheets on the NEAS Website, select NEAS Rpts, Individual Profile Sheets. A Common Access Card (CAC) log in is required at each site. Profile sheets are available on line for two years.
Reference BUPERSINST 1430.16 (Series), Chapter 6 and applicable exam cycle NAVADMIN for additional guidance.
BUPERSINST 1430.16G, par 614, establishes criteria for E7/LDO IA candidates in who may be waived from participation in the CPO advancement exam. Although Sailors may be waived from taking the CPO exam, they ARE NOT automatically Selection Board Eligible (SBE). SBE waiver validation must be completed by the eligible Sailor's permanent command using a validation answer sheet transmittal letter. Refer to NAVADMIN 336/07 and the Advancement Manual, Chapter 6 for additional information and specific requirements.
Sailors who do not have a valid profile sheet for the Active Duty or Selected Reserve (SELRES) CPO selection board not be considered SBE. A candidate may verify their selection board eligibility on the Navy Advancement Center's (NAC) link on MyNavy Portal (MNP) to view and print, or Educational Services Officers (ESOs) can access profile sheets on NEAS Web, select NEAS Rpts - Individual Profile Sheets. A Common Access Card (CAC) log in is required at each site.
Profile sheets are available on line for two years. Failure to comply with established policy and procedures will result in a missed advancement opportunity. Also, CDCZ/ACOA candidates, ESO should ensure that the applicable exam cycle electronic EAW Special Circumstance entry reflects - IA Waiver Granted (E6 & E7).
None, both Active Duty and Select Reserve (SELRES) have similar Navy-wide advancement examination content and are scored the same. Reserve personnel are required to have the same knowledge as their active duty counterparts. The only difference is the specific Chief of Naval Personnel (CNP) authorized advancement opportunity or quota numbers for each component (AC or RC).
A raw score cut value is applied to each Navy-wide Advancement Examination (NWAE) exam rate to determine whether a candidate passed or failed to pass the NWAE. If a candidate's raw score (the number of questions answered correctly) falls below the applicable raw score cut standard, then the candidate “fails” to pass the NWAE and is eliminated from competition for advancement.
Currently, the raw score cut standard for a 175-item NWAE (without deletions) are:
For E5/6/7 candidates the Navy-wide advancement examination (NWAE) is only one part of the Final Multiple Score (FMS), but Sailors have the opportunity to increase their advancement opportunity by scoring higher than their peers taking the same exam (see note "What is the standard score? How is it determined?"). Mastery of the exam comes down to how well you know your job. Learn as much as you can about your rating from all sources. Study the references listed in your bibliography. Bibliographies are exam specific, so be sure to download and review the material listed for the correct cycle.
For E4/5/6/7 candidates, another key to improving chances for advancement are high performance evaluations in the form of Performance Mark Averages (PMAs) and Reporting Senior's Cumulative Average (RSCA) PMA.
Awards and educational points also increase the FMS as well as Passed Not Advanced (PNA) points received in previous NWAE cycles for exam rates/ competitive groups with quota-limited advancement.
Quotas, or vacancies, within each rating community and paygrade are determined by the Chief of Naval Personnel, Commander, Naval Reserve Force, and Enlisted Community Managers. Advancement in a Navy-wide advancement exam cycle is determine by the quotas that are provided.
Advancement opportunity and career progression are directly linked to a rating's manning level. Personnel in undermanned ratings have greater opportunities for advancement than those in over-manned ratings.
Some Navy-wide advancement exam rates can be quota-limited each exam cycle. When there are few or no vacancies, there are few or no advancements. Advancement via NWAEs is an advance-to-vacancy system.
Note: Advancement cut off scores are different from cycle to cycle.
Deleted questions do not enhance or detract from anyone's advancement opportunity. Raw to standard score conversions are based on the raw scores of the peer group, so everyone is treated equally.
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